Do you know a handful of dads in your church, school, workplace or ministry that share a burden to be more intentional husband and dad? Our shared context small group (“cohort”) model is at the heart of our ability to pursue faithfulness together. We invite your cohort of like-minded dads to commit to gathering together for a set period of time for equipping with a training Kingdom Dads facilitator for accountability and encouragement in dad and family tested Gospel-centered practices. These practices include building a foundation of communication (with God, wife and kids), developing a vision for their family and establishing gospel-oriented habits for their household.
Would you like to learn how to encourage and exhort fellow dads to be more intentional in their calling as husband and dad? We believe that as you walk alongside other dads in their journey to be the intentional husband and dad God has called you to be…. you will not only transform your own family but you will see transformation in the families joining you in the Kingdom Dad practices! And as we transform families by inviting them into gospel-centered practices together – we will see the world around us transformed to the glory of God!
Do you desire to see dads be more engaged? We want to help dads in your school build community with one another and be a source of encouragement in the growth, education, and discipleship of their children. Kingdom Dads can help you build a strong ongoing program for father engagement and family enrichment. Through the establishment of Kingdom Dads cohorts with a shared school context, we have seen dads have a greater vested interest in their kids’ education and character development.
Do you desire to see dads shepherd their families? We believe the family is the smallest unit of culture, while at the same time – the most powerful. We want to help men not only be more faithfully engaged in their church family, but help dads develop Christlike leadership for their immediate family. Kingdom Dads can help you equip husbands and dads with practical tools to build a strong discipleship culture in marriages and family life. Through the establishment of Kingdom Dads cohorts with a shared context of church, we have seen husbands and dads live with greater joy and hope in Christ as they faithfully serve as the primary shepherd of their families.
Do you desire for your employees and staff to see that you sincerely care for the well being of their families? We want to help you offer the dads an opportunity to build healthy practices to serve their family as they serve your mission. Kingdom dads can help equip husbands and dads to be able to help dads see their good work vocationally as they lead their family on mission. Through the establishment of Kingdom Dads cohorts with the shared context of a workplace or ministry, we have seen husbands and dads be more competent and confident leaders in every area of life.
Do you have a burden to see culture changed by Christ? Do you see Christian families struggling to be salt and light in the world? Do you have a burden for husbands and dads to live more intentionally and faithfully into their call as the daily shepherd? If so, we invite you to partner with us in the good work of equipping dads with Gospel-centered practices to lead their families! Kingdom Dads is a Christian non-profit that is dependent on the prayer and financial support of the body of Christ. We ask you to sign up for our newsletter and pray for our growing movement! We invite you to join our financial support team by offering a one-time or regular financial donation that we may see families and the greater culture transformed.
“The family is the simplest and smallest unit of society and the real fountain of culture. If this fountain remains pure, man's culture has promise. But if it becomes polluted, all the rest will turn to dust and ashes, since the home is the foundation of the entire social structure.”
Henry R. Van Til