Dad's Role in Education

Tuesday, 9/10 - 7:30am
U.A. COhatch (Lookout Room)

Doors open at 7am. Coffee will be provided.

Now that summer has unofficially ended, what does it look like to intentionally walk alongside your children this school year? How do we best encourage them to learn about God’s world with a sense of wonder and see the Gospel in every area of life, including schoolwork? 

We will have a panelist of dads with kids in public, private, and home school discussing that and more! Join the conversation and build relationships with other Christian dads in our city who desire to love and lead their families toward the Kingdom of God.

Managing Screen Time

Tuesday, 10/8 - 7:30am
U.A. COhatch (Lookout Room)

Do you struggle to build good habits around screen time—personally and in your family? Join us for a discussion where we will learn from one another how we can keep technology in its proper place in family life. You will leave with some practical next steps to try in your own life and the lives of your children.

Screen time is a pain point for every parent. Join us for a discussion on ways to keep technology in its proper place in family life.

Advent & Faith-Filled Holidays

Tuesday, 11/12 - 7:30am
U.A. COhatch (Lookout Room)

Stay Tuned! More coming soon!

Family Goal Setting

Tuesday, 12/10- 7:30am
U.A. COhatch (Lookout Room)

Stay Tuned! More coming soon!