
Meet The Team

Michael Mattes

Executive Director

In January 2023, Chip Weiant approached Mike to consider a call to serve as the new Executive Director. After much prayer and with great excitement. In August 2023, Mike accepted the role of Executive Director of Kingdom Dads.

Mike has served in collegiate ministry with the Coalition for Christian Outreach (CCO) for 21 years. During those years, Mike served in a wide range of staff and leadership capacities and grew in his own love for intentional family discipleship. Together with the efforts of the Kingdom Dads board, Mike looks forward to helping fathers faithfully grow in their call as both husband & dad.

Mike is married to Beth and they have three kids, Lucy, Peter, and Joseph. As a family, they commit to… Love Well, Live Worthy, Learn Wonderfully, Lead Wisely, and Leak Whimsy. They live in Columbus, Ohio with their Golden Retriever, Tumnus.

Chip Weiant


In 2015, after researching the foundations of effective families and reviewing the national Christian literature on father formation (essential to thriving communities) Chip fused his findings with his own joy of family discipleship and began a career-capstone journey called Dad Lab. Chip established Dad Lab’s initial work and purpose to build a Heartland Bible-centered peer-discipleship movement within Christian schools to mentor GEN Y Dad’s to embrace the call of Dad & Mom more intentionally as Chief-Disciplers of their GEN Z children. Chip and his wife, Annie, continue to speak life into their family and God’s work both in Columbus and around the world.

The Board

Austin Wathen

Board Co-Chairman

Derek Brown

Board CO-Chairman

Drew Clauson

Board Clerk

Todd Walter

Board Treasurer

Benjamin Derkin

Brandon Grant